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Nursery and Kindergarten
Diverse Learning Environments

Playgroup Classroom

Play time

Play time with students

Playgroup Classroom
Welcomes toddlers aged 2 + years. We go above and beyond in our care for the children, providing them with stimulating engaging and safe environment. We strive to provide the kids with more opportunities to express themselves, & develop, share their opinions. Our own developed curriculum makes sure that the content is designed specifically to suit the needs and interests of our toddlers
- Pre reading skills involving picture reading.
- Story time and puppet show
- Games & songs which help develop reading & writing skills.
- Gross motor activities and games

Our age group for nursery is 3 + years. Our dedicated curriculum team has created our own phonics program complete original characters to help children with their first steps towards literacy.
These programs help us maintain confidence that our students will graduate with stronger literacy skills than other students of same age group.
The curriculum also allows children to learn in hands on through practical experiments, creative arts, music and games. Our numeracy program helps build maths skills, logic & cognitive development.

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Nursery activity

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Number Play

Kindergarten activity

Number Play
Our age group for Junior KG is 4+ years. Children begin to read & find instant success due to their strong phonics base. This builds confidence and ensures enjoyment in the reading process. They also experience early success in spelling with our structured introduction to sounds and words.
A set of word to read from memory is taught. These are the sight words which occur in literature and are not based on phonics. Our handwriting program for practising letter formation ensures neat & clean writing skills. A structured numeracy curriculum is evolved from understanding that learning arises constantly from events, happenings, play and routines that occur naturally within the early childhood learning environment. We also recognise the importance of following up on children's responses to provoke mathematical thinking.
Our age group for senior Kindergarten is 5+ years. Children learn to apply phonics, sight words, handwriting & sentence building skills by writing compositions in their books.
We are proud of the gradual stress free & easy expressions in language, writing, creativity & number skills.
Activities that we conduct are - use of experiential learning. Drawing & creativity learning tool.
Play activities to enhance social & cognitive skills.